Animas-La Plata Project Volume VII
Ridges Basin Excavations: North-Central Sites
Paperback ($40.00)
This volume of the Animas-La Plata series describes the results of excavations at 7 sites in the northern and central portions Ridges Basin approximately 2 miles south of Durango, Colorado, as part of the Animas-La Plata (ALP) Project. Though not as tightly aggregated as other Pueblo I habitation clusters, the North-central Cluster contained unique pockets of aggregation in the form of multiple-pit-structure habitations. These multiple-habitation sites produced perhaps the most variable and least cohesive assemblage of Pueblo I features and artifacts in the project area and, as such, they represent some of the most interesting sites in the area. The volume is concluded with a summary discussion of chronology, architecture, material culture, population, subsistence, and settlement within both local and regional cultural contexts.