October 23, 2018
San Antonio’s rainy weather in no way dampened the spirit of the 58th Annual Western History Association Conference in Texas last week. The conference’s distinctive location on the San Antonio River Walk, a stone’s throw from the Alamo, fueled fascinating discussions on the city’s unique environment, history, and urban landscape. As usual, the exhibit hall was the hub of activity for conference goers, a lively locale for celebrating books.
What a joy to have two foundational Chicano historians, Mario García and Ignacio García, in the UA Press booth discussing Mario’s new book, The Making of a Mexican American Mayor: Raymond L. Telles of El Paso. It was also wonderful to see Katherine Morrissey, co-editor of Border Spaces: Visualizing the U.S.-Mexico Frontera, as well as many other UA Press authors, including Yvette Saavedra, Flannery Burke, Dick Etulain, Phylis Martinelli, and Jeff Shepherd.
A warm congratulations goes to UA Press authors Cliff Trafzer for receiving the American Indian Lifetime Achievement Award and to this year’s WHA President, Donald Fixico. Thanks to everyone who visited the University of Arizona Press booth this year; we look forward to seeing you all again next year in Las Vegas!–Kristen Buckles