Welcome to the University of Arizona Press
The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. We disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. We advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.
Founded in 1959, the Press is a nonprofit publisher of scholarly and regional books. We publish about 55 books annually and have more than 1,600 books in print. These include scholarly titles in anthropology, archaeology, environmental science, history, Indigenous studies, Latinx studies, Latin American studies, and the space sciences; as well as award-winning fiction and poetry series’ Sun Tracks and Camino del Sol.
To learn more about our publishing program please browse our site or contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Land acknowledgment
We respectfully acknowledge the University of Arizona is on the land and territories of Indigenous peoples. Today, Arizona is home to twenty-two federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O’odham and the Yaqui. Committed to diversity and inclusion, the University strives to build sustainable relationships with sovereign Native Nations and Indigenous communities through education offerings, partnerships, and community service.
Our Staff
Director's Office
Kathryn Conrad, Director
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Kathryn Conrad is Director of the University of Arizona Press. A past president of the Association of University Presses, she holds an MALIS from the University of Arizona School of Information and has held marketing and editorial positions at the University of Missouri Press, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, and River Styx literary journal. Contact Kathryn at KConrad@uapress.arizona.edu.
Elizabeth Cavolo, Manager, Finance & Operations
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Elizabeth Cavolo is the Finance and Operations Manager for the University of Arizona Press. While she is new to the publishing world, Elizabeth came to the Press with a strong management background in the hospitality and entertainment industries. Contact Elizabeth at ecavolo@uapress.arizona.edu.
Ashley Amacher, Assistant to the Director, Rights Administrator
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Ashley Amacher is the University of Arizona Press’s Rights Administrator. She also serves as Assistant to the Director. Contact Ashley at aamacher@uapress.arizona.edu.
Acquisitions Department
Kristen Buckles, Editor-in-Chief
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Kristen Buckles is the University of Arizona Press’s Editor-in-Chief. In addition to managing the Acquisitions Department, Kristen acquires books in history, Indigenous studies, Latinx studies, and Latin American studies. Contact Kristen at KBuckles@uapress.arizona.edu.
Allyson Carter, Senior Editor
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Allyson Carter serves as Senior Editor of the University of Arizona Press and acquires new manuscripts for specialists and general readers in anthropology, Indigenous studies, archaeology, environmental science, and space science. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in Linguistics and Cognitive Science, and she has contributed to the Press’s Acquisitions team in different roles since 2003. Contact Allyson at acarter@uapress.arizona.edu.
Elizabeth Wilder, Assistant Editor
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Elizabeth Wilder is Assistant Editor in the University of Arizona Press’s Acquisitions Department. She oversees the Press's two award-winning literary series, Camino del Sol and Sun Tracks, and supports the lists of the Press Editor-in-Chief. She holds a PhD in English from Stanford University. Contact Elizabeth at EWilder@uapress.arizona.edu
Alana Enriquez, Editorial Assistant
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Alana Enriquez is Editorial Assistant in the University of Arizona Press's Acquisitions Department. She primarily supports the lists of the Senior Editor. She holds a B.A. in History and Labor Studies from UCLA. Contact Alana at aenriquez@uapress.arizona.edu
Editing, Design, and Production Department
Amanda Krause, Editorial, Design, & Production Manager
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Amanda Krause is the Editorial, Design, and Production Manager at the University of Arizona Press. She began at the Press in 2013 after previous roles in newspapers, magazines, and the university press community. In addition to guiding all U of A Press titles through the manuscript editorial, typesetting, and production processes, she also manages the Press’s pool of freelance copyeditors and proofreaders. Contact Amanda at AKrause@uapress.arizona.edu.
Leigh McDonald, Art Director & Book Designer
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Leigh McDonald is the Art Director for the University of Arizona Press, managing and designing covers as well as interior art and typography for Press books. Prior to joining the Press in 2006, she worked as a production editor for a variety of publications, including science journals and children's books. Contact Leigh at LMcDonald@uapress.arizona.edu.
Sara Thaxton, Digital Publishing Specialist
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Sara Thaxton is the University of Arizona Press’s Digital Publishing Specialist. As part of the Press’s Editorial, Design, and Production Department, she handles the myriad aspects of book production, including typesetting, ebook conversion, and digitizing the Press’s backlist titles. Prior to joining the Press in 2017, Sara worked as typesetter, designer, and pre-press tech at Graphic Composition, Inc., in Athens, Georgia. Contact Sara at sthaxton@email.arizona.edu.
Marketing Department
Abby Mogollón, Marketing Manager
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Abby Mogollón is the University of Arizona Press’s Marketing Manager. She has been with the press since 2009. Before coming to the Press, she edited educational materials for a nonprofit affiliated with national parks in the western United States. Contact Abby at amogollon@uapress.arizona.edu.
Mary Reynolds, Publicity Manager
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Mary Reynolds is the University of Arizona Press’s Publicity Manager. Before coming to the press, she coordinated communications for local Arizona governments and worked as a community development planner in Virginia. She's also a freelance writer focusing on desert southwest nature, hiking, and cycling. Contact Mary at mreynolds@uapress.arizona.edu.
Cameron Quan, Marketing Specialist, Exhibits & Awards
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Cameron Quan is the University of Arizona Press’s Marketing Specialist, coordinating exhibits and awards. Before joining the Press, he worked in education and digital advertising. He holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Washington and an M.Ed. from the University of Arizona. Contact Cameron at CQuan@uapress.arizona.edu.
Editorial Advisory Board
Katherine Morrissey, Chair
Department Head and Professor
Department of History
Victor Baker
Regents Professor
Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Javier Durán
Professor, Latin American and Border Studies
Director, Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry
Barbara Mills
Regents Professor
School of Anthropology
Anna Ochoa O’Leary
Department Head and Professor
Mexican American Studies
Timothy Swindle
Professor Emeritus
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
David Turpie
Chief Communications Officer and Editor of the Journal of Arizona History
Arizona Historical Society
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