March 17, 2020
Video text:
Hey everybody this is Abby Mogollón. I’m the marketing manager at the U of A press and we just wanted to let you know that we’re really thinking about all of our authors right now and trying to think of new ways that we can continue to do the good work of helping you share your scholarship and your books with audiences.
Like many of you, we also are getting used to working from home offices and getting used to being in front of digital devices for zoom meetings, and so forth, and we thought we’d make a quick video to show you how easy it is to make something. We really want to encourage you to make short videos. If you’re a poet, record one of your poems. If you are a chapter author, maybe pick out an excerpt and read some of it if you’d like.
Mari, Savannah, and I can send you five questions and you can respond to them, or perhaps instead if your text is for course adoption you can record a short video explaining how you use your work in your teaching.
Just three things to remember when you’re making videos:
1. Hold the camera close.
2. Please speak loudly.
3. And try to have as much light as possible.
We can’t wait to hear from you.
–The University of Arizona Press Marketing Team
Abby Mogollon,
Mari Herreras,
Savannah Hicks,