American Labor in the Southwest

The First One Hundred Years

James C. Foster (Editor)
Paperback ($37.00), Ebook ($37.00) Buy
A collection of outstanding contributions on…
The Western Federation of Miners
James C. Foster, D. H. Dinwoodie
The Industrial Workers of the World
Earl Bruce White, James Byrkit
The Rise of Unionized Farm Workers
H. L. Mitchell, Edward D. Beechert, Art Carstens
Mexican Labor, North and South of the Border
John M. Hart, Rodney Anderson, David Maciel
Labor and Politics
Paul Mandel, George N. Green, Charles O. Rice
"Adds to our knowledge of a neglected topic in American history."—History: Reviews of New Books

"Should be read by every serious student of western labor history."—Journal of Arizona History

"The historian who is not a labor specialist is able to make the transition from one topic to another with the necessary historical background and become highly informed in the process."—Arizona and the West
American Labor in the Southwest
248 Pages 6 x 9
Published: May 2017Paperback ISBN: 9780816535743
Published: August 2022Ebook ISBN: 9780816550715

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