An Arizona Chronology

The Territorial Years, 1846–1912

Paperback ($16.95), Ebook ($16.95) Buy
An Arizona Chronology: The Territorial Years contains the first sheaves of a newspaperman's gleaning of history from the crisp, yellowing abundance of old newspapers and other Arizona archives.

Who better to choose news items giving a key to the times than Douglas D. Martin, who first set newspaper type when he was 15, filled news and magazine columns and book pages galore, and today at 75 is still writing for print? He knows newspapers from the composing room to the editor's desk—Detroit Free Press—not excepting reportorial beats, having received the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on his own.
“A reference volume of great merit. So wisely has the author chosen the facts to present, and so effectively has he set them down, that the fascinating story of the period comes alive for the reader. The bibliography covers the sources used, and provides a guide for further reading.”—Arizona and the West
An Arizona Chronology
80 Pages 6 x 9
Published: October 2016Paperback ISBN: 9780816535330
Published: September 2022Ebook ISBN: 9780816551309

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