
With Three Versions of the Myth Recorded and Translated from the Navajo by Father Berard Haile, O.F.M.

Leland C. Wyman (Author), Berard Haile (Contribution), Bernard L. Fontana (Foreword)
Paperback ($50.00), Ebook ($47.00) Buy
An outstanding work crafted from the handwritten pages of translations from the Navajo of the late Father Berard Haile giving three separate versions of the Blessingway rite with each version consisting of a prose text accompanied by the ritual songs and prayers. Valuable insights into the character and use of the Blessingway rite; its ceremonial procedures, its mythology, and its drypaintings.
688 Pages 6 x 9
Published: May 2017Paperback ISBN: 9780816535835
Published: February 1970Ebook ISBN: 9780816544059

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