Friar Bringas Reports to the King

Methods of Indoctrination on the Frontier of New Spain, 1796–97

Paperback ($27.00), Ebook ($21.95) Buy
A significant contribution to a deeper understanding of the Spanish period in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico, this translation of Father Diego Miguel Bringas' 1796–97 report on missionary activities presents a rare first-hand account of Spanish attempts to direct cultural change among the Pima Indians.
"A sensitive and precise translation in which the reform-minded Father Diego Bringas examines various missionary and secular policies for assimilation of Indian societies."—Mid-America

"Graced by an ambitious introduction, copious notes, and a smooth translation, . . . the Bringas report is valuable for understanding Franciscan activities in a region where scholarly literature has focused on Jesuits."—Journal of American History

"Students of Arizona history and that of the Borderlands will find this volume a welcome addition to their libraries.”—California Historical Quarterly

“The informative and lucid introduction critically places Friar Bringas’ document in historical perspective. . . . Fontana’s copious explanatory notes to the report confidently guide the reader. . . . [A] significant contribution to borderlands history.”—Pacific Historical Review

Friar Bringas Reports to the King
192 Pages 7 x 10 x 0
Published: May 2017Paperback ISBN: 9780816535767
Published: September 2022Ebook ISBN: 9780816551347