John J. Rhodes

Man of the House

J. Brian Smith (Author)
Hardcover ($30.00) Buy
John Jacob Rhodes served in the U.S. House of Representatives for thirty years and saw our nation through turbulent times including the civil rights movement, the Viet Nam War, and the Cold War. He was the House Republican Leader in 1974 during the push to impeach president Nixon.This account, written by Rhodes’ one time press secretary, documents a life journey from Rhodes’ home town in Council Grove, Kansas, through his long and illustrious representation of Arizona in the House of Representatives to his active post-Congressional career and finally his death in 2003 at age 86. Above all, John Rhodes: Man of the House is the engaging story of a many who is remembered by all who knew him as a quiet, effective leader who accomplished extraordinary things for his state, stood tall under enormous pressure at a time of grave national peril, and left a legacy of statesmanship sadly missing in today’s body politic.
John J. Rhodes
368 Pages 6 x 9
Published: July 2006
Hardcover ISBN: 9780935810745