Mimbres Archaeology of the Upper Gila, New Mexico

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This reappraisal of archaeology conducted at the Saige-McFarland site presents for the first time a substantial body of comparative data from a Mimbres period site in the Gila drainage. Lekson offers a new and controversial interpretation of the Mimbres sequence, reintroducing the concept of the Mangas phase first proposed by the Gila Pueblo investigations of the 1930s and demonstrating a more gradual shift from pithouse to pueblo occupance than has been suggested previously.
Mimbres Archaeology of the Upper Gila, New Mexico
128 Pages 8.5 x 11
Published: October 2015Paperback ISBN: 9780816511648
Published: November 2022Ebooks (OA) ISBN: 9780816551606

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