Pima Indian Legends

Anna Moore Shaw (Author)
Paperback ($18.95), Ebook ($18.95) Buy
Coyote, Eagle-man, quail, bear, and other charaters relate their adventures in two dozen delightful tales Anna Shaw heard her father tell when she was young. The author, a Pima herself, unfolds twenty-four charming Indian tales as passed down from generation to generation. Simple, and beautiful in design and content. A delight for all ages.
"Enlightening and entertaining reading."—Journal of the West

"The legends trace the origin myths and development of the Pima, and continue by presenting some Piman folk heroes such as Coyote and Roadrunner. Those who like to keep up on the southwestern folk hero (or anti-hero) Coyote will discover a number of delightful tales of his prowess."—Ethnohistory
Pima Indian Legends
128 Pages 5.25 x 7.5 x 0.6
Published: December 1968Paperback ISBN: 9780816501861
Published: December 2016Ebook ISBN: 9780816536900

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