
Big Pine of the Southwest

Sylvester Allred (Author)
Paperback ($14.95), Ebook ($14.95) Buy
For hundreds of years, the massive ponderosa pine of the U.S. Southwest has left multitudes in awe. After spending nearly three decades researching among these trees, Sylvester Allred shares his wealth of experience in the southwestern ponderosa pine forests with the world in Ponderosa.
Ponderosa is the first of its kind to provide an introduction to the natural and human histories of the ponderosa pine forests of the Southwest that is accessible to all who wish to enjoy the forests. The book offers knowledge on elemental aspects of the forests, such as the structure of the trees, as well as theoretical perspectives on issues such as climate change. Included are discussions of biogeography, ecology, and human and natural history, illustrated by over fifty color photographs throughout.
Allred presents his observations as if he is recalling his thoughts over the course of a walk in a ponderosa pine forest. His imagery-saturated prose provides an informal and enjoyable approach to discovering the history and environment of the ponderosa pine. Using a concise, straightforward writing style, Allred invites readers to explore the forests with him.
Ponderosa includes:
  • More than 50 color photos
  • Learn how to estimate the age of a tree
  • See the reptiles, birds, and mammals that make their home in ponderosa pine forests
  • Much more!
“It’s as though one strolls through the woods and notices items that attract attention. Or to mix metaphors, it’s like a cabinet of curiosities in which one artifact or another draws the eye, more or less at random.”—Stephen J. Pyne, author of How the Grand Canyon Became Grand: A Short History

“The book provides a highly readable and informative overview of the natural and human histories and ecology of ponderosa pine forests of the Southwest.”—Thomas Kolb, co-author of “Drought Predisposes Piñon-Juniper Woodlands to Insect Attacks and Mortality”

While there are numerous books and journal articles about the unique character and features of southwestern ponderosa pine forests—presented in both technical and lay terminology—I know of no other reference that undertakes the same specific scope and local perspective as presented by the author.”—Peter F. Ffolliott, author of Natural Resources Management Practices: A Primer
120 Pages 5 x 8.5
Published: February 2015Paperback ISBN: 9780816531431
Published: February 2015Ebook ISBN: 9780816531776