Potters and Communities of Practice

Glaze Paint and Polychrome Pottery in the American Southwest, AD 1250 to 1700

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The peoples of the American Southwest during the 13th through the 17th centuries witnessed dramatic changes in settlement size, exchange relationships, ideology, social organization, and migrations that included those of the first European settlers. Concomitant with these world-shaking events, communities of potters began producing new kinds of wares—particularly polychrome and glaze-paint decorated pottery—that entailed new technologies and new materials. The contributors to this volume present results of their collaborative research into the production and distribution of these new wares, including cutting-edge chemical and petrographic analyses. They use the insights gained to reflect on the changing nature of communities of potters as they participated in the dynamic social conditions of their world.

Potters and Communities of Practice
208 Pages 8.5 x 11
Published: November 2015Paperback ISBN: 9780816529926
Published: November 2015Ebook ISBN: 9780816544530

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