Preclassic Maya Pottery at Cuello, Belize

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“Kosakowsky’s book, produced in the clear, easy-to-read and well-designed format . . . is a substantive contribution to Maya ceramic studies. She details the significant changes in the ceramic sequence and in so doing provides the kind of information that enables other ceramicists, and other Mayanists, to compare the Cuello phenomenon with developments elsewhere. Studies such as these are the building blocks of any larger-scale structural understanding of Maya cultural change.”—Journal of Latin American Studies
“This monograph adds important data on the development of Preclassic period ceramics in northern Belize.”—American Antiquity

“This book contributes to our understanding of early Maya society during an era that has only new been revealed.”—The Chesopiean

“A valuable and permanent contribution.”—Latin American Research Review
Preclassic Maya Pottery at Cuello, Belize
110 Pages 8.5 x 11 x 0
Published: October 2015Paperback ISBN: 9780816510177
Published: November 2022Ebooks (OA) ISBN: 9780816551507

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