The Galaxy and the Solar System

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Originally published in 1986, this work came out of a conference held in Tucson, Arizona in January 1985, which had the purpose of emphasizing the influence of the Galaxy on the solar system rather than to discuss the Galaxy and the solar system per se. The meeting was the first get-together of the galactic and solar system scientific communities. At the time, the conversations covered new and sometimes controversial topics. This work presented the latest research and stimulated new research and ideas.
"An informative and well-balanced collection of articles by many authors, these ideas are clearly set out, and explored in some detail. . . . An excellent and readable source book."--Endeavour

"It is an excellent, well-organized textbook."--Science Books and Films
The Galaxy and the Solar System
483 Pages 6 x 9 x 0
Published: May 2024Ebooks (OA) ISBN: 9780816554454