The Raptors of Arizona

Richard L. Glinski (Author), Richard Sloan (Illustrator)
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Thousands of birdwatchers come to Arizona each year seeking rare or intriguing species, and for those watching the skies the additional sighting of a bird of prey is a reward in itself. The Grand Canyon state boasts the most dramatic assortment of raptors in North America: hawks, eagles, falcons, kites, and owls, plus vultures and condors. Here can be found nearly all the raptor species of the continental United States and also established populations of species associated with Mexico, such as the Gray Hawk, Common Black-Hawk, Zone-tailed Hawk, and Whiskered Screech-Owl.

Arizona's raptors are found in an unrivaled diversity of habitats, from saguaro cactus forests where tiny Elf Owls nest to the Vermilion Cliffs, where the gigantic California Condor was introduced in 1996. Yet many species live in habitats that are now jeopardized by degradation or development, making an understanding and appreciation of raptors crucial to their survival.

The Raptors of Arizona brings together the knowledge and insights of 29 raptor and wildlife authorities who provide original information and syntheses on Arizona's 42 raptor species, with an emphasis on aspects of their natural history in Arizona. A chapter on each bird includes its description, a range map, and information on its distribution, habitat, life history, and status. Additional chapters cover conservation, habitats, where and when to watch raptors, and the sport of falconry. The book is enhanced by 42 full-color illustrations by Richard Sloan, one of the premier wildlife artists in North America, whose paintings were commissioned by the Arizona Wildlife Foundation specifically for this project. Co-published with the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
"Provides a wealth of solidly documented material on the 42 species in accessible format. . . . In addition to informing and educating readers, Glinski and his contributors offer an invitation and an inspiration to observe the birds in their natural environment." —Bookman's Weekly

"Provides both interesting and useful information on raptors of the southwestern U.S. in a clear and readable manner. It is, however, more than that. The book expresses an appreciation of raptors and concern for their future and conservation." —Audubon Naturalist News

"A sumptuous volume, and well worth reading, even if you never plan to visit Arizona." —Ibis

"The accounts are written in straightforward styles with popular appeal. It is a well documented overview of the status of Arizona birds of prey and an excellent source of information on Arizona's raptors with thoughtful comments on the problems they face in a state with a rapidly growing population." —Vermilion Flycatcher
The Raptors of Arizona
220 Pages 8.5 x 11 x 1.1
Published: November 2021Ebook ISBN: 9780816547197

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