White Mountain Redware

A Pottery Tradition of East-Central Arizona and Western New Mexico

Roy L. Carlson (Author)
Paperback ($27.00), Ebook ($27.00) Buy
A study of the styles of decoration found on the early southwestern pottery known as White Mountain Redware. The White Mountain Redware tradition, an arbitrary division of the Cibola painted pottery tradition, is composed of those vessels which have a red slip and painted decoration in either black or black and white, which when grouped into pottery types have a geographic locus within or immediately adjacent to the Cibola area, and which share a number of other attributes indicative of close historical relationships.
White Mountain Redware
130 Pages 8 x 10.5 x 0.4
Published: October 1970Paperback ISBN: 9780816502141
Published: February 2022Ebook ISBN: 9780816545667

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