Cycles of Conquest

The Impact of Spain, Mexico, and the United States on the Indians of the Southwest, 1533–1960

Edward H. Spicer (Author)
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After more than fifty years, Cycles of Conquest is still one of the best syntheses of more than four centuries of conquest, colonization, and resistance ever published. It explores how ten major Native groups in northern Mexico and what is now the United States responded to political incorporation, linguistic hegemony, community reorganization, religious conversion, and economic integration. Thomas E. Sheridan writes in the new foreword commissioned for this special edition that the book is “monumental in scope and magisterial in presentation.”

Cycles of Conquest remains a seminal work, deeply influencing how we have come to view the greater Southwest and its peoples.

"'Monumental' is the best adjective to describe this book. . . his scholarship is superb . . . we should welcome such a detailed study of a culture before it passes once and for all into the abyss of history."—Bookshelf

"This is an essential book for anyone—historian, anthropologist, or laymen—who is concerned with the history and process of culture change in the Southwest. . . Dr. Spicer has done a magnificent job."—El Palacio

Cycles of Conquest
632 Pages 6 x 9
Published: April 2020Paperback ISBN: 9780816540853
Published: March 2020Ebooks (OA) ISBN: 9780816541287

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