Word Images

New Perspectives on Canícula and Other Works by Norma Elia Cantú

Paperback ($37.00), Ebook ($37.00) Buy
This collection of critical essays unveils for the first time Norma Elia Cantú’s contribution as a folklorist, writer, scholar, and teacher. Word Images unites two valuable ways to view and use Cantú’s work: Part 1 comprises essays that individually examine Cantú’s oeuvre through critical analysis. Part 2 is dedicated to ideas and techniques to improve the use of this literature by teachers and professors, with a particular focus on tools for using Canícula.

Steven W. Bender
Aurora Chang
Vanessa Fonseca
Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs
María Herrera-Sobek
Ellen McCracken
María Esther Quintana Millamoto
Aldo Ulisses Reséndiz Ramírez
Rose Rodríguez-Rabin
Jesús Rosales
Carlos Sibaja García
María Socorro Tabuenca
Juan Velasco

“A significant contribution to Chicana and Chicano literature.”—Amelia María de la Luz Montes, co-editor of María Amparo Ruiz de Burton: Critical and Pedagogical Perspectives

“A strong collection that demonstrates the complexity and significance of Cantú’s work to the fields of folklore studies, literary criticism, and ethnography.”—Cristina Herrera, author of Contemporary Chicana Literature: (Re)Writing the Maternal Script

Word Images
256 Pages 6 x 9
Published: April 2017Paperback ISBN: 9780816534098
Published: April 2017Ebook ISBN: 9780816536238

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