‘Book of Want’ Part of LA Theater Series

Circle X Theatre Company presents the 2021 Evolving Playwrights Group Virtual Reading Series, which includes The Book of Want, by Daniel A. Olivas.

When: June 21, 2021, 7 p.m. Pacific Time
The virtual event is free, but tickets are required. Email rsvp@circlextheatre.org to reserve your spot.

With support from The Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, this reading series brought together five emerging and mid-career playwrights, paired with mentors/playwrights in conversation. They were challenged to create the play they were scared to write. This series celebrates those stories.

The Book of Want is Olivas’s first novel published by the University of Arizona Press in 2011. A delightful family tapestry woven with the threads of all those whose lives are touched by Conchita, The Book of Want is an enchanting blend of social and magical realism that tells a charming story about what it means to be fully human—perfect for the stage.