When: May 23-25, 2025
Where: San Francisco, CA, Marriott Marquis
Join us at the Latin American Studies Association’s (LASA) annual congress in San Francisco! The LASA book fair is located in Salon 9 on the B3 level of the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. This year’s theme is “Poner el cuerpo en Latinx América.”
From the conference organizers: “This iteration of the LASA Congress sets out to put the body on the line. To place the body center-stage in order to reveal its weight, relevance, and meaning. To recover its memory and materiality in our debates and agendas; to explore its dimensions at once individual and communal, biological and digital, contingent and situated. Because awakening our skin, opening our eyes and ears, setting our tongues in motion means reading ourselves, understanding ourselves as other(s), and rejecting the petrification of a single way of feeling and thinking.
We want to emphasize the power of fiction, art, and those aesthetic operations that frame and refocus what is failing, what remains of the world. But also those that let us experience pleasure, explore the unsayable, and materialize the unimaginable. Rita Segato has proposed that the Humanities are the most powerful disciplines since they have the task of naming the world and thus activating other possible realities. Therefore, in this edition of LASA, we issue an invitation to locate aesthetic technologies at the heart of the array of disciplines represented by our association and to defy the destructive algorithm of a difficult present.”