Collaborative Archaeology and the “Becoming Hopi” Project

When: March 7, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., MST

Where: Zoom, register here.

Join Archaeology Café on March 7, 2023, when Stewart Koyiyumptewa (Hopi Cultural Preservation Office) and Wes Bernardini (University of Redlands) will discuss “Collaborative Archaeology and the ‘Becoming Hopi’ Project.” For nearly two decades, Hopi tribal members and external scholars have collaborated on a monumental history of the Hopi Mesas. We will discuss the importance of collaboration and how tribal perspectives have changed our understanding of Hopi history.

Can’t join the session live? No problem! About a week after each café, Archaeology Southwest will post videos of each presentation to the video archive on their website and to their YouTube channel. They’ll share links on their Facebook and Twitter and in their Southwest Archaeology Today and This Month at Archaeology Southwest email newsletters.

About Archaeology Café:
Presented by Archaeology Southwest, a nonprofit organization that explores and protects heritage places while honoring their diverse values, Archaeology Café is an informal forum that brings lifelong learners together with experts.

Learn more about the award-winning volume Becoming Hopi here.