“From the Skin” Editors in Tempe, Arizona

Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Time: 12-1:30 p.m., MST

Where: Labriola Center, Hayden Library Room 204, Arizona State University, 300 E Orange Mall, Tempe, AZ

Editors Jerome Jeffrey Clark and Elise Boxer will talk about their book, From the Skin: Defending Indigenous Nations Using Theory and Praxisat the Labriola Center at ASU. They will be joined by Dr. Brittani Orona, Eric Hardy, and Alex Soto as they discuss what it means to theorize and practice American Indian Studies (AIS). This hybrid book talk event will highlight AIS contributions and scholarship. It will lead-up to the annual AISA conference happening on February 6-7, 2025. This is a free, in-person event; the first 30 attendees will receive a free copy of From the Skin! Refreshments will be provided.

This event is sponsored by ASU partners:  The College of Liberal Arts and SciencesAmerican Indian StudiesLabriola National American Indian Data Center and the Relate Lab: An Anti-Colonial Collective for Relationalities, Stories, and Sciences.

This book talk is also available through Zoom.

About the book:

In From the Skin, contributors reflect on and describe how they apply the theories and concepts of Indigenous studies to their communities, programs, and organizations, and the ways the discipline has informed and influenced the same. They show the ways these efforts advance disciplinary theories, methodologies, and praxes. Chapters cover topics including librarianship, health programs, community organizing, knowledge recovery, youth programming, and gendered violence. Through their examples, the contributors show how they negotiate their peoples’ knowledge systems with knowledge produced in Indigenous studies programs, demonstrating how they understand the relationship between their people, their nations, and academia.