Join editors Margaret Cantú-Sánchez, Candace de León-Zepeda, and Norma Elia Cantú, and contributors of the new book, Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Pedagogy and Practice for Our Classrooms and Communities, to discuss this volume’s practical and inspiring ways to deploy Anzaldúa’s transformative theories with real and meaningful action.
Thursday, October 22, 2020, 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time
This is a free online event, but registration is required. Please visit here to register.
“Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa is a pragmatic and inspiring offering of how to apply Anzaldúa’s ideas to the classroom and in the community rather than simply discussing them as theory. The book gathers nineteen essays by scholars, activists, teachers, and professors who share how their first-hand use of Anzaldúa’s theories in their classrooms and community environments.”