Gila River Indian Community Anthropological Research Papers

The University of Arizona Press is pleased to be the distributor for the Gila River Indian Community Anthropological Research Papers. These important documents provide cutting-edge archaeological research that reveals insights into the pre-Hispanic world of the ancient Southwest.

The Social Organization of Hohokam Irrigation in the Middle Gila River Valley, Arizona The Social Organization of Hohokam Irrigation in the Middle Gila River Valley, Arizona
The Social Organization of Hohokam Irrigation in the Middle Gila River Valley, Arizona

The Social Organization of Hohokam Irrigation in the Middle Gila River Valley, Arizona

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Peoples of the Middle Gila Peoples of the Middle Gila
Peoples of the Middle Gila

Peoples of the Middle Gila

A Documentary History of the Pimas and Maricopas 1500s–1945

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The Hohokam–Akimel O’odham Continuum The Hohokam–Akimel O’odham Continuum
The Hohokam–Akimel O’odham Continuum

The Hohokam–Akimel O’odham Continuum

Sociocultural Dynamics and Projectile Point Design in the Phoenix Basin, Arizona

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Trails, Rock Features, and Homesteading in the Gila Bend Area Trails, Rock Features, and Homesteading in the Gila Bend Area
Trails, Rock Features, and Homesteading in the Gila Bend Area

Trails, Rock Features, and Homesteading in the Gila Bend Area

A Report on the State Route 85, Gila Bend to Buckeye Archaeological Project

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From Hohokam to O'odham From Hohokam to O'odham
From Hohokam to O'odham

From Hohokam to O'odham

The Protohistoric Occupation of the Middle Gila River Valley, Central Arizona

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Pollen and Micro-Invertebrates from Modern Earthen Canals and other Fluvial Environments along the Middle Gila River Pollen and Micro-Invertebrates from Modern Earthen Canals and other Fluvial Environments along the Middle Gila River
Pollen and Micro-Invertebrates from Modern Earthen Canals and other Fluvial Environments along the Middle Gila River

Pollen and Micro-Invertebrates from Modern Earthen Canals and other Fluvial Environments along the Middle Gila River

Implications for Archaeological Interpretation

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Projectile Point Typology Projectile Point Typology
Projectile Point Typology

Projectile Point Typology

Gila River Indian Community, Arizona

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