Author Stephen Strom in Fort Collins, CO

When: Monday, October 28, 2024

Time: 5:30-7 p.m., MDT

Where: Avogadro’s Number, 605 S. Mason St., Fort Collins, CO

Stephen E. Strom will be part of a panel discussion featuring his book, Forging a Sustainable Southwest: The Power of Collaborative Conservation at Avogadro’s Number in Fort Collins, Colorado. Hosted by the Warner College of Natural Resources, this discussion will highlight the theme of collaborative conservation. This in-person event is free and open to the public.

About the book:

Forging a Sustainable Southwest introduces readers to four conservation efforts that provide insight into how diverse groups of citizens have worked collaboratively to develop visions for land use that harmonized sometimes conflicting ecological, economic, cultural, and community needs. Through the voices of more than seventy individuals involved in these efforts, we learn how they’ve developed plans for protecting, restoring, and stewarding lands sustainably; the management and funding tools they’ve used; and their perceptions of the challenges that remain and how to meet them.


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